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What time-consuming habits are limiting your success?


One of the most common questions we as coaches ask new or future clients when it comes to achieving their goal is:

What has been stopping you?

And the most common response we get it:

I don't have the time. Unfortunately, we are often swept up in the chaos of life. We have work, and families, we need to catch up with friends, answer messages and emails, find time to keep our home clean, to get groceries and cook, we need to remember to pay bills and complete the many tasks that seem to prop up on a daily basis... ...time gets away from us and we are left wondering why we never quite seem to get around to that one thing we really want to do. Whether your goal is to:

  • Achieve your dream body

  • Commit to your health and fitness goals

  • Give yourself the ‘you’ time you need

  • Dating or date-nights

  • Try new things/experiences

  • Make a life-changing decision like a career change...

The list goes on. And, I get it. Time is scarce! I spent a whole lot of my life feeling like I just didn’t have time to get anything done. BUT! Here’s the thing - it’s not the ‘big’ things in our life - like our career or the time spent with family and loved ones, or the many daily chores - that limit us. It’s our habits. Specifically, energy-draining habits that wipe us out and leave us too exhausted to realise just how much time we do have. So, what is an energy-draining habit, exactly? It's the things we do unconsciously every single day that take up a lot of emotional, mental or physical energy. It's the things which may be causing our chronic stress or endless worry. It's the things that are definitely not necessary - but FEEL necessary. These can be habits such as: • Social media scrolling • Too much/little sleep • Holding onto the past • Constantly checking emails/messages etc. • Gossip & negative conversation (with no constructive benefit) There is no end the number of energy-draining habits that may consume our time - and lives. But, you can identify them - and start to make positive change. When I started reflecting on and writing down, all of the energy-draining habits in my day I realised just how much time I wasted! So, the first step is to recognise what little things you do on a daily basis, that are not absolutely necessary. WRITE THEM DOWN - acknowledge them, make yourself consciously aware of these habits. Then, and only then, can you start to focus your energy into changing these into more productive habits - or behaviours that will serve you. You are never too busy to achieve what you want. But, we need to get real with ourselves. We need to start recognising the real things that are holding us back. So, I challenge you to ask yourself: What habits are holding me back?

Once you've written and recognised - make a plan to change these habits. Then, take action. You control your success. Stop being a passenger on this crazy journey of life - and start driving like the boss-ass bi*ch you are. No distractions. No obstacles - just clear direction, baby!

I’m starting every day this week, and moving forward, with my decaf coffee, as I’m currently working on managing anxiety and my tendency toward higher stress levels. Caffeine is a huge contributor to this! So, I’m cutting out all caffeinated beverages as one of my negative habits. I'm limiting social media scrolling time, pulling myself up when I get caught up in thoughts of worry or anxiety - and I’m making a plan to take control of my day, and life!

Do not let the small things - become your BIG picture.



©2024 by Beyond Fit.

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